Our Approach

How do we connect with our partners?


Nixon & Co. gets proximate and uncovers the unique impediments facing partners by creating community.


We recognize that the power to change lies within the existing environment and value the knowledge held by those who do the work everyday.


We learn first, then collaborate to develop a collective understanding and use that lens to address issues rather than prescribe solutions.


We leverage the power of co-creation while cultivating environments where individual contributions are honored and incorporated into the missions, visions and strategies of our partners.


We are intentionally nimble.


The work we do in elevating the thinking and orientation of our partners is taxing and we are committed to being “what they need when they need it.”


We provide tailor-made solutions in real time. We know the fabric of each partner is unique and Nixon & Co. approach each openly, with a willingness to create the unique solutions they need.


We simplify the process of change by focusing on what lies at the heart of it all — people.


We acknowledge that when our partners think critically about the outcomes and impact of policy and practice, it creates space for the evolution of systems.


We create a safe space for productive dialogue. We keep the recipients of the work front and center as we talk.


We are committed to being innovative – a fresh take on old ideas.


We model what progress looks like and demonstrate change for our partners by embodying the principles we teach.


We are simultaneously teaching and learning, getting better and advancing along with the world around us. We bring newness and bold ideas that push our partners’ thinking.